What is a PRO?

The IT and Electrical & Electronics producers are mandated by the Government of India under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to collect the end-of-life waste generated through their business. This responsibility is met through e-waste collection agencies who are recognised as a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO).

Cerebra is a Central Pollution Control Board registered PRO for e-waste.

Cerebra As a PRO

At Cerebra Green, we work closely with domestic and international brands to manage their EPR mandate in India. We have not only helped with responsible recycling but also helped with setting up collection centres pan India. We have developed an in-house proprietary tool SPOCK to track the end-to-end of the recycling process. The auto generated reports help brands to get a real-time view of the recycling status and also better control over the process.

Cerebra has also collaborated with various NGOs, Resident Welfare Associations, educational institutions, Rotary Clubs and smart cities to conduct awareness & collection drives. We have also ideated and executed the award winning campaign ‘India Cleanup Week’. Cerebra has appointed Edelman as a PR agency on record to create awareness campaigns amongst consumers for giving up end-of-life products for recycling. In addition to the offline awareness we also focus on the extensive online awareness programmes via social media campaigns, digital marketing and seasonal campaigns.


PRO Collection Centres