The Cerebra Experience Centre is an extension of Cerebra Green’s ongoing efforts in creating more engagement points to improve customer experience and drive the green initiative. Cerebra Experience Centres serve as an exclusive and franchised one-stop shops offering an opportunity to the customer to experience and chose from a wide range of refurbished products, new products and services under a single roof while providing an opportunity to our franchise partners to associate with us in our efforts of business expansion.
These experience centres also double as a platform for us to engage with consumers, understand their expectations, educate them about the refurbished products, get valuable feedback which enables us to improve our product offerings, service and overall consumer experience and to collect the end-of-life products from retail customers & send them to our facility for responsible recycling.

More Power to Customers
The customer, today, has high expectations when he steps out to make a purchase. At Cerebra Experience Centres, we continuously map all the touch points to figure out new and innovative ways that would help us in delivering delight to our consumers. Through our Experience Centres, we want to create and deliver distinctive consumer experiences.
Our Experience Centres will not only house our entire range of products but also offer value-added services like Repair & Service, Warranty, Software and Accessories, IT Rental Service, AMCs etc. to add to the consumer’s delight. Trained sales assistants will be available at every Experience Centre to provide detailed product information and product demonstrations to help consumers make an informed buying decision.
Our Offerings

Invitation To Partnership
Cerebra Green is open to mutually beneficial alliances. We are looking for partners who are ready to join hands with us in opening Cerebra Experience stores in their respective cities.
It is a great opportunity for enterprising individuals to partner with India's leading IT refurbishing and recycling company. We have built a reputation for doing business with our partners in a spirit of trust, integrity and collaboration for the last 33+ years.